apple-codesign 0.15.0

Pure Rust interface to code signing on Apple platforms


apple-codesign is a crate implementing functionality related to code signing on Apple platforms.

Nearly all functionality is implemented in pure Rust: the only 3rd party tool dependency is Apple Transporter, which is used for uploading files to Apple for notarization. (Apple makes this tool available on macOS, Windows, and Linux.) Signing and stapling are implemented in Rust and do not require any 3rd party tools.

We believe this crate provides the most comprehensive implementation of Apple code signing outside the canonical Apple tools. We have support for the following features:

  • Signing Mach-O binaries (the executable file format on Apple operating systems).
  • Signing, notarizing, and stapling directory bundles (e.g. .app directories).
  • Signing, notarizing, and stapling XAR archives / .pkg installers.
  • Signing, notarizing, and stapling DMG disk images.

What this all means is that you can sign, notarize, and release Apple software from Linux and Windows without needing access to proprietary Apple software.

See the crate documentation at and the end-user documentation at for more.

rcodesign CLI

This crate defines an rcodesign binary which provides a CLI interface to some of the crate's capabilities. To install:

# From a Git checkout
$ cargo run --bin rcodesign -- --help
$ cargo install --bin rcodesign

# Remote install.
$ cargo install --git --branch main rcodesign

Project Relationship

apple-codesign is part of the PyOxidizer project and this crate is developed in that repository.

While this crate is developed as part of a larger project, modifications to support its use outside of its primary use case are very much welcome!